sexta-feira, agosto 11, 2006

Wiitgenstein e a filosofia analítica

Lendo "Was Wittgenstein an Analytic Philosopher?", de Hans-Johann Glock (Metaphilosophy, Vol. 35, No. 4, July 2004). A seguinte passagem dá uma idéia acerca da opinião de Glock (com a qual concordo), sobre as vantagens de se estudar Wiitgenstein com um olho na filosofia analítica recente, e vice-versa:

At present, there is also an increasing mutual isolation between Wittgenstein scholarship and Wittgensteinian philosophy, on the one hand, and mainstream analytic philosophy, on the other. In my view, this isolation is detrimental to both sides. Wittgenstein presents us with highly original claims and arguments, which deserve to be taken seriously by contemporary analytic philosophers, since they challenge some of their basic assumptions. At the same time, Wittgenstein scholarship and Wittgensteinian philosophy can profit from reconstructing his ideas in an analytic fashion. (p. 420)

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